What would you consider the biggest achievement in your career?
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Interviewer: What would you consider the biggest achievement in your career?
Jon: The biggest achievement in my career was becoming a sales manager at my current job. I think it was my greatest accomplishment because only the top salespeople who have leadership qualities become sales managers. It is not easy to do and the competition is very high.
Interviewer: Why do you think you got the job?
Jon: First, I always had some of the top sales numbers among all of the sales associates. Second, I often worked with younger sales associates to help them become better at sales. I think that management saw these two things and thought that I would be a good fit for a management position.
Interviewer: I see. And why are you thinking about leaving your job?
Jon: Well, I was promoted to sales manager 3 years ago. Now, I am ready for a new challenge. When I saw that your company was hiring a new regional director of sales, I didn't hesitate to apply. I know that I could do a really good job in that position.