Questions to Ask the Interviewer

Asking questions at the end of an interview is extremely important, but it is often overlooked by many people. During most of the interview, the interviewer will ask you questions to find out about your skills, personality, and experience. However, at the end of the interview, you will almost certainly have an opportunity to ask some questions to the interviewer.

Asking smart and thoughtful questions at the end of an interview can help you show your interest or enthusiasm for the job. If you ask detailed and specific questions about a company’s performance, competitors, or products, it shows that you took the time to research and find out about the company. In addition, this is also a great chance to learn about the company and the job to figure out if it is the right position for you.

Of course, you can ask questions during the interview, but the interviewer will usually give you time at the end of the interview to ask questions. It is important that you are prepared. Do not try to think up questions on the spot. Do your research and think deeply about what you want to ask. This is a great opportunity to leave the interviewer with a good impression.

There are many things that you can ask about. Remember that if you really want to impress the interviewer, then do some research and come up with some questions regarding the recent activities of the company.

Here is a list of some basic questions to help you get started.
  • What other departments would I work closely with?
  • What do you expect from me in my first 3 months?
  • What do you expect me to accomplish in the first 90 days?
  • What are the company's highest-priority goals this year, and how would my role contribute?
  • What percentage of employees was in by current employees?
  • When would you need me to start?
  • Does this job usually lead to other positions at the company?
  • What do you like the most about this company?
  • How is this company doing compared to your competitors?
  • How many employees work for this company?
  • What has been this company's layoff history in recent years?
  • What kind of training should I expect?
  • Please describe a typical day for this position.
  • What will my workstation be like? Will I get an office, a cubicle, or a desk?
  • What are the opportunities for advancement here?
  • Can you tell me more about the day-to-day responsibilities of the job?
  • Does the company offer a flexible start time?
  • What other perks does the company offer?
  • What are your expectations for this role during the first year?
  • Could you describe the culture of the company for me?
  • Where do you think the company is headed in 5 years?
  • Who do you consider your top competitor, and why?
  • What are the biggest challenges facing the company right now?
  • What is your favorite thing about working here?
  • What is the typical career path for someone in this role?
  • What are the next steps in the interview process?
  • What do you consider to be the best thing about working here?
  • What does a typical day look like here?
  • What are the most immediate projects that need to be addressed?
  • How will I be trained?
  • Who do you think would be the ideal candidate for this position, and how do I compare?
  • Who would I be reporting to?
  • How would you describe the company's culture?
  • Who do you consider your major competitors? How are you better?
  • Do you have any hesitations about my qualifications?
  • Can you give me an example of how I would collaborate with my manager?
  • Can you tell me what steps need to be completed before your company can offer me the job?
  • What are the company's core values?
  • How would you score the company on living up to its core values?
  • What is one thing that the company is working to improve on?
  • What are the challenges of this position?
  • What have past employees done to succeed in this position?
  • If you were to hire me, what might I expect in a typical day?
  • What type of employee tends to succeed here?
  • What qualities are the most important for doing well and advancing at this company?
  • Is there anyone else I need to meet with?
  • Is there anyone else you would like me to meet with?
  • How do you help your employees grow professionally?
  • How do you respond when your employees come to you with conflicts?
  • Will I have an opportunity to meet the people that I would work with during the interview process?
  • How do you evaluate success here?
  • What's your timeline for making a decision, and when can I expect to hear back from you?

Vocabulary from the Article

1. to overlook: to not pay attention to something because it seems unimportant or small

  • We were not successful because we overlooked too many details.
  • Let’s review our work to make sure that we did not overlook anything.

2. enthusiasm: intense enjoyment, interest, or approval

  • Enthusiasm is important to succeed at a job.
  • He showed a lot of enthusiasm during that project.

3. to be specific: to be clearly defined and detailed

  • Please give me a specific answer.
  • I only know the main ideas. I don’t know anything specific.

4. to take the time to (do something): to spend the necessary time to do something

  • Everyone loves her because she takes the time to talk to people and get to know them.
  • We need to take the time to find out how our employees feel about the changes.

5. to think up: to invent or imagine something

  • We met on Thursday and tried to think up some good ideas.
  • She is late again for work, and she is trying to think up an excuse to tell her boss.

6. on the spot: without any delay; immediately

  • She saw the car and bought it on the spot.
  • I had to answer my manager’s questions on the spot, but I was not prepared.

7. to come up with: to create or invent (an idea, strategy, plan, etc.)

  • We need to come up with a new plan.
  • She came up with a great idea.